Will Schafernak. D.C.


Dr. Will Schafernak has been practicing a high level of chiropractic care since 1983. He has co-managed his practice with his wife Toni who works both with patients and staff to provide an excellent environment for health and healing.

Dr. Wills’ evaluation and treatment has evolved and expanded over the years with continuing education and an expanded vitalistic philosophy.
“My treatment approach is to assess the neuro-musculo-skeletal systems of the body for Neuro Adaptive Dysfunction (NAD). The nervous system is the body’s first line of defense against excessive stress loads. Neuro Adaptive Dysfunction (NAD) is a state of abnormal nerve and muscle tone which is a global response of the body to excessive internal/external environmental stressors. These stressors are excessive circumstances that the body can’t easily adapt to such as emotional trauma, chronic food sensitivities, excessive postural stress and strain. This NAD can manifest as pain, foggy brain, lack mobility and overall decreased normal function. The evaluation process I use is a binary biofeedback system of testing the body using the following methods including muscle reflex testing, short leg reflex, and the occipital drop reflex.

The treatment I use is to direct a gentle, controlled stimuli to appropriate joints and points on the body using an Arthrostim instrument. This is designed to release, balance and restore the body through a global neuro reset (GNR) of the nervous system”.

“I believe we all need help in keeping our bodies free of excessive stress loads imposed on us from both our internal and external environments. We are all affected in life by how we move, what we eat and how we think. Our bodies are innately intelligent and able to bring us back toward health and balance but we occasionally need help when hit with excessive stressors or when we’ve not been living balanced healthy lifestyles”.

“My approach in Chiropractic has been adapted and shaped by a number of very positive influences and teachers over the years. The following websites are major contributors to my growth as a person and a health care practitioner”: www.teddkorenseminars.com, quantumintegration.com, www.Activatormethods.com, www.quantumneurology.com.